140th Anniversary of Tomsk State University

50th Anniversary of the Paleontological Laboratory

20th Anniversary of the Siberian Paleontological Scientific Center


V International Symposium «Evolution of Life on the Earth» Tomsk State University,

Tomsk, Russia November 12–16, 2018

The Siberian Paleontological Scientific Center of National Research Tomsk State University will organize the V International Symposium "Evolution of Life on the Earth", which will be held on 12-16 November 2018 in Tomsk, Russia.
The purpose of the symposium is a broad exchange of information between specialists working in various scientific disciplines (paleontology, stratigraphy, biology, genetics, anthropology, archaeology, museology, etc.), in order to gain a new knowledge about the nature of life, history and patterns of its development. The symposium continues the work started at the first (ELE-1997), the second (ELE-2001), the third (ELE2005) and the fourth (ELE-2010) international symposia with the same title.
The scientific program of the symposium includes a wide range of issues related to the processes of evolution at various levels of life organization: from the physical and chemical foundations of living matter to the features of human development as a biological species in a changing natural environment and society.
The solution of these problems is of great scientific importance for understanding the evolution of life on the Earth, as well as for introducing advanced methods of scientific research in geology and related disciplines into practice. Participation of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the work of the symposiums is an important part of its mission.

The themes to be discussed at the Symposium include:
1. Evolution of organisms and ecosystems.
2. Evolutionary process at the levels of the chromosome, genome, cell, organism and population.
3. Paleogenetics.
4. Organic world of the Precambrian and Paleozoic.
5. Organic world of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.
6. Organic world of the Quaternary and ancient humans.

For participation in the Symposium it is necessary to register.
Registration is open until May 5, 2018.

The Proceedings of the Symposium are to be published.
The official languages of the Symposium are Russian and English.

The first circular
The third circular